Tuesday 17 April 2012


I personally feel that the preliminary task as itself, was somewhat unorganized. Most of what was done in the preliminary task, didn't have a general flow to it all, as it was all about continuity and just getting use to the the equipment. Even so, the preliminary task wasn't that bad, the way in which we used the camera, and we edited was fairly rushed as it was meant to be that build up upon a brief that was assigned to us. This made it seem like, the preliminary task had it's limits in terms of it's creativity.

Even so, I also feel that with the preliminary task, we never had as much time to plan ahead and back up from what we may of missed out mad errors on. The final AS film that we shot, seemed to have more of a flow through it all, as well as it being consistent. It allowed us to take the time we had seriously and make finish on the final film. Even so, the preliminary task allowed us to develop the skills that we were told of, which were the match on action, 180 degree rule, and the shot/reverse shot. With our preliminary task, there were more problems with the general quality of filming and how we had gone about filming the task. This brought forward problems that made the image quality of the video poor, however, with the final project, we had more time, and we had time to do further research into how to use the equipment we were provided with. It allowed us to be more efficient in what we were doing by finding time to practice and learn how to use each piece of equipment properly.

In the preliminary task, we were never given much time to research. Upon the brief, we had little time to plan how things were going to be laid out during the scene and how we would shoot them. The AS film tends to make  the project seem somewhat more professional as we learnt how to use the tripod, and how to manage the handheld shots with care. With practice and research, it allowed us to generate a better image quality too. The preliminary task's focus clearly seems to be blurred out most of the and not all details are visible. The project had far more adjustments to it and was finished to greater detail.

As for time management when it came to the project, we planned efficiently and made sure that if we had a problem, we would have that second plan, if the first one didn't go as hoped for. The group also done more research into genres for the film and we then decided upon what it would be. We tried to find professional advice on how to make this more apparent in filming. As you can see, the more time and effort, along with research we put into our work, the better our results came out with urge and caution. All of what we had done made the experience more enjoyable. We developed our skills further and we also worked as a team more. It made all the filming easier as we all cooperated with one another.

To conclude, I feel that the as a whole, without the preliminary task, we probably wouldn't of felt that urge to improve upon our situation for the final AS film. I feel as if that the time we had to put the AS film together, also allowed to feel the urge and passion to perfect things upon our preliminary tasks, in other words. Our preliminary task motivated us to do that much more research into how to use equipment, software, and etc.

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